
Pay it Forward- A Gift For You

I've always wanted to do a give-away for the faithful readers of this blog, and here I have found the perfect opportunity! I have accepted this "challenge" from a friend's (Shari Saysomsack's) blog. 

So here's what it entails: Be one of the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post, and Melissa & I will make & send you a handmade gift! You then need to post the Pay It Forward challenge on your own blog and make a gift also for your first 3 commenters and so on it goes. The gift can be in any price range you like and you have 365 days to send it. If you want to participate and don't feel up to hand crafting I'm sure it would be ok to purchase something too. I know that lots of people who read this blog don't have a blog of their own. If this is the case, you could always send out your own pay it forward in the form of a group e-mail or something... be creative! Most importantly let's keep the giving going :)


Donna said...

haha... great response on this one! you guys are letting me off the hook too easy :)

I understand most of you don't have your own blog, and those who do don't desire to do this sort of thing!

Nevertheless Melissa & I would still like to make a craft for you... anyone can respond, no strings attached.

Lina Fontana said...

Alright....I'm in. I have a blog...so the next time i update i'll add a pay it forward gift.

Donna said...

hooray! our first taker. I didn't expect this to be so challenging to get someone to accept!