
Vancouver 2010 Olympics

This week we took a trip into the city to take in some of the Olympic sites. We rode the Westcoast Express train in, which was a big highlight for Melissa...
Our first stop was the Olympic cauldron...
Melissa & the cauldron...
Melissa and some polar bears...
The Olympic countdown clock...
The train ride back home after a day of lots of walking with her new Olympic buddies, stuffy Miga and McDonalds toy Sumi...

Melissa had a little misunderstanding, she kept thinking we were going in to see some of the sporting events we have been watching on tv. She suggested next time we buy tickets :P


Olympic Torch

Sunday night we had the privilege of celebrating the Olympic torch here in our own backyard... well a 5 minute walk away at the AgRec. It was a great way to get the excitement of the festivities started. The turn-out was amazing, a huge sea of people. We arrived just in time to see the torch arriving and managed to inch ourselves fairly close to see it pass by. To top it off we ran into my sister & her family, which worked out great for me as our camera didn't do any justice to the event in the dark. So all of these pics are from Jason except for the first one (but that was probably obvious!).

The excitement was mounting in the crowd as the torch was approaching, I guess it was getting loud :P

The torch...

Melissa had an excellent view from up top of Papa's shoulders...

Gordon Campbell speaking a few words...

Followed by various performances...

A stage full of pint sized Inukshuks...

We are really looking forward to watching the Olympics starting tonight! Go Canada Go!!!