
Who's that?

Ever since Melissa started to speak, Ken & I have been waiting to hear how she will say her name, or what she will call herself. Well yesterday she finally answered when I asked her who that was on the screen of my digital camera. She answered "You"!

I think too many times we have pointed at a picture or reflection of her and said "Who's that?... That's you!". Now we have a little Chinese baby named "Yu"!


First Snowfall

Here are some pics of the last two days of snow. It is Melissa's first time being mobile when it is here.

On the first day she wasn't too sure about it... and was very reluctant to touch it or enjoy it. She only would lay on my stomach or be held.

On the second day, she wasn't happy that we were trying this again. I managed to get her to enjoy riding in the sled and she really ended up liking it, until she toppled onto her back... and all the snow from her boots landed in her face! That was then end of that!

Looks like we will be getting a few more days of snow to enjoy!

Just a quick update, that Melissa is now pretty much back to her old self. Her appetite is finally back and probably stronger than it has been in a long time!

Sorry Nani for getting you sick too :(


Big Sick Day...

We have had a very interesting last two days. It started by an amazing sleep-in for me, wondering why I hadn't been woken by my trusty alarm clock - Melissa. She ended up sleeping in till 11:00 am (I had checked to see that she was still breathing!). When I went to get her, she was just sooooo tired. She wanted her soothers that had fallen out of her crib, and then wanted to go back to sleep. I held her for a bit, and she just kept dozing off. This is not like her at all, and caused me to be concerned. We ended up calling the nurse hotline, and after I described her symptoms in detail, the nurse told me to hang up and call 911. From there an ambulance was dispatched, and we were brought into emergency. All this time Melissa was still pretty much out of it. She was still so unresponsive, and didn't at all mind the people poking at her etc., and managed to sleep through most of this. This was not my little feisty girl at all!

Making a very long story short, we were in emerge for hours, Melissa had numerous, less than pleasant, tests done (blood work, chest x-rays, urine tests). We were admitted to Pediatrics and told we had to stay the night for observation. The blood work showed that she was very dehydrated, which I find so puzzling as she had drank her milk the night before... everything seemed more or less normal.

They hooked her up to an IV to help re-hydrate her. In the morning (after a long, uncomfortable, restless, interrupted sleep, which I probably only got 1/2 hour) Melissa was well enough to be sent home.

The diagnosis is that she had caught a bug of sorts. How things can change in a heartbeat. I am so thankful for our health, as hospitals are no fun at all.

Thanks for all your well-wishes, thoughts and prayers, we could feel them and appreciate it :) This afternoon Melissa has been back to her old tricks, playing with her toys and goofing around. Her appetite is still lacking, but hopefully it will continue to pick up.


What to do...?

It seems we have too many good pics to choose from... what to do? Here are a few more favorites from our photo shoot with Jason of Revival Arts Studio.


Shoe Girl

Melissa has a thing for shoes (that's my girl!)... and I left my boots laying around, and she decided to try them out.... so I ran for the camera :)


Water Wow with Dora!

Last night Nani baby-sat Melissa and came over with an amazing little surprise... a reusable water-paint Dora set! What a hit it was with Melissa...thanks Nani!


Our Caterpillar's Halloween

How puzzling it must be to a little child to try and figure out Halloween. Just out of the blue they are suited up in a costume... an assortment of little scary witches and goblins or cute animals come knocking on the door, to whom your parents give candy. Or to be taken door to door, to be given candy by strangers. The look on Melissa's face last night said it all... bewilderment. All the same... who can argue with being given treats?! I'm sure she will grow to like the whole experience more each year!

Here are some pics of Melissa's evening, starting with a visit from Nana & Pop, who came bearing goodies!

Some surprise trick-or-treaters Brandie & Mackenzie (Melissa's 2nd cousin)

It didn't take long for Mackenzie to find Dora!

A tussle between a lion and caterpillar over Dora!

A long goodbye to Pop