

Melissa playing with her lego and singing a song she learned at preschool to herself...


Community Events

In the last week or two, we went to the Abbotsford Multicultural Festival and the Firehall Open House. Here are a few pictures of Melissa enjoying herself at these events.

Melissa didn't have any interest in jumping in the many different bouncy castles, but she certainly liked playing this air style t-ball game... 

Sitting in one of the firefighter's seats in a fire truck...
Her Firefighter buddy, Kiera...
Posing on the front of the fire truck...


First Word Written

Tonight Melissa expressed an interest in writing my name. So I wrote an 'M' down for her, and told her to copy one, and then to do an 'O' and then another 'M'. When I looked over to see her final product I was really impressed! 

(the one 'M' upper middle is the one I wrote for her to copy)


Preschool "Party Day"

Melissa has been thoroughly enjoying her time at preschool, and has made it through her first month. At Wind & Tide preschools they have what they call a "Party Day" at the end of each month, where parents (family & friends) can come and enjoy a half an hour show of what they have learned in the past month.

Here the children are emerging from the "secret hiding place" to the front line...
Melissa & some classmates, it seemed her crown didn't fit too well...

Their theme this month was apples, and here they are singing one of the songs "Shake, shake the apple tree", actions and all!
The proud girl with her proud Daddy, after the show!