
Summer Swimming Lessons

This summer Melissa was in two separate weeks of swimming lessons which she very much enjoyed. Here are some pics from the last day of her second week. 

She had a funny male teacher who had a talent of squirting water with his hands, she often was laughing during class :)
Doing her backfloats...
 Swimming on her side...


A hot summer's day

One very hot summer's day the two kids were playing in the front yard... Melissa enjoying her new water bottle!


Bowling for Uncle Dan's 30th

At the beginning of August Uncle Dan (my little brother) turned 30! We had a celebration for this milestone at the local bowling alley. 30 is a very significant number for Dan as he was diagnosed with 4th stage Hodgkin's Disease (lymphoma) at the age of 15. So another 15 years was certainly worth celebrating!

The kids were very amused by the light display! 
Pictured: Uncle Dan, Brody, Nani & Justus

Playing with Weebles in the funky lights...


The AgriFair

Another huge highlight of the summer for Melissa is the AgriFair. This year we got ride passes for her & Ken, and they sure made good use of them. The carnival area wasn't at all busy when they were there, so often they were the only ones on the ride, and they had the longest rides because of this. Melissa's favorite was the "Tilt-a-Whirl". Poor Ken, he was such a trooper, he found himself feeling green after a few rides. But with a girl who was so obviously enjoying herself, how could you say no to "just one more ride Daddy please!?"

Showing me a different ride...

This picture cracks me up, they were all squished in one corner! I can still hear the sounds Ken was making (low moaning sound) as they whipped around. Melissa was squealing with delight!

Another ride, high in the sky...

After all that she was still able to eat dinner no problem!

Checking out the animals with her brother...


Brody's Crawl

13 months & motoring around!


Cabin life

So my last cabin photos are of life just hanging around the cabin.

The main cabin...

 The addition which the Brown family & the Thomas family stay in...

Papa had some new entertainment for the kids this year -
a trampoline which the kids spent hours and hours on...
Even Brody enjoyed a little bouncing...

Even playing under the trampoline was a hit :)
The girls enjoyed collecting things, especially bugs!
 Papa also lovingly built a swingset which all 5 grandchildren could use at once!

And Brody LOVED it!

Hanging out in the hammock...

Sitting around the campfire...

A picture I took a few weeks after we returned.
A souvenir Melissa got while smashing rocks together... ouch!


First Day of Grade 2

Sent a very excited girl off to Grade 2 today :)