Week 1
Flower seeds in a painted pot:
Grass Guy:
(You can note at week three the grass was having a really hard time pushing through the reinforced toe of the nylon stocking. I ended up having to provide it with some much needed relief by trimming off the top. I'm not sure how much further his face could have stretched!)

Melissa has enjoyed practicing her hairdresser skills on her Grass Guy. She is very cautious and doesn't take many risks when it comes to his hair maintenance. She is more concerned about keeping it all pretty much even. Maybe one day she will be good enough to do my hair!?

Week 2
A terrarium of sorts:
Sunflower seeds:
Week 3
(Carrots, tomatoes & peas. On the walk home from class two of the cups tipped over and seeing I hadn't watered the dirt, they spilled everywhere. I did my best to put them back together, but the tomato plant never did sprout. We had a later casualty with the carrots, I transplanted them outdoors and one morning we went to look at them and saw the slug that had eaten all of them for lunch. Grrrr.)
Week 4
This week I brought my camera to class and took some photos of her in action. Here Melissa is decorating a little pot...
and filling it with dirt...
Flower seeds:
Week 5
Week 6
There were quite a few more projects we made, but these were the more interesting ones. It has been a blast for both Melissa and I to enjoy watching plant-life grow from seeds. Now most of her plants have now moved on outdoors and she takes great pride watering them with the big garden hose! I have such a great little helper ;)
What a great class! The projects look interesting and age appropriate. I love the grass head guy. He did look like he needed a little surgery in week 3. It looks like Melissa's going to have a green thumb like her mommy!
Wow - what fun!! I wish they had those classes when I was young!
I know... it is such a great concept to have a gardening class for preschoolers! She loves watching things grow and doing it "by herself!"
I'm pretty sure we will enroll again!
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