
Mouse Day

During the months of April & May Melissa's class enjoyed raising mice. Her teacher brought in a pregnant mouse which gave birth to 10 babies (of which 5 survived). Parents were invited to a special Mouse Day Open House in the classroom to watch them perform songs and poems they had been busy practicing. 

Melissa played the role of the cat! (which suited her just fine)

I sat at her desk, and couldn't help but notice the inner chaos! 

Melissa showing her paper mouse...
 and plasticine creations...

I got to meet the little guys which have had their fun sitting on each kids desk and being observed... how the kids focused is beyond me! I applaud her teachers for such a wonderful way of teaching the children. 

In the end one of her classmates took the mice home. She had heard what happened to the mice when the teacher took them back to the pet store... they were destined to be snake food. So her mom agreed they could take one home. After much thought, they couldn't decide which one deserved to be saved from this tragedy, so they took them all! 


Nani said...

Melissa, you're very good at being a cat! I thought that you might want to take home a mouse for a pet.

Sarah said...

I've been having fun catching up on your blog this morning. I love it that you took a picture of the inside of her desk!!