
Hatching a Butterfly

Back in fall Melissa and I were winterizing the garden... I found a caterpillar that was eating my plants, and she wanted it for in her bug container. She ended up leaving it in there for a bit, and next time we looked it was in the process of building itself a chrysalis. So we left it alone for the winter, keeping an eye on it in our garage. Mid April for some reason I thought to have a look at it... and low and behold this is what I saw!

Melissa was soooo excited to find see the butterfly when she came home from school.
We took the it to the backyard to release it.

Waiting for the butterfly to work her way up the side...

Then she suddenly took flight! (the yellow blur above Melissa's head)

Examining the chrysalis...

1 comment:

Nani said...

That is sooooo cool! I don't think many people have been able to do that!!