
Thumbelina Dance

Melissa's ballet class has been practicing all year for this month's dance performance. The girls received their dance costumes last class, and tried them on with their dance. Seeing cameras are restricted at the final performance at the Abby Arts Centre, these are probably the only pics I will get of them in action. They are dancing to the tune "Thumbelina"...

After class we went to Kiera's house and practiced getting all dressed up, lash extensions, lipstick, curls and all!
(a little editing fun :)
The girls reminded me of the show "Toddlers & Tiaras" (not that I've ever watched it, but see tons of their commercials on TLC)


Farha said...

The messy toy shelf and Riley swinging his sword wasn't quite the backgound you were looking for?? ;)

Our little ballerina's are pretty darn cute, even if the eyelashes are very toddlers and tiaras.

Anonymous said...

Those dresses are TOO cute Donna!!
