
Odds & Ends

I finally emptied my camera... here are the odds and ends of things I found picture worthy in the last week (or more).

On a past trip to the grocery store I found these little toe rings (which are basically a really small ring that is adjustable in size). Turns out they are a perfect fit for a little girl's fingers. Melissa can be found wearing them quite frequently, and never will wear just one at a time!!!

One night while I was making dinner, Crash (our cat) was taking a nap on the couch. Melissa decided that he was sleepy and needed a book read to him to help him fall asleep. I know he appreciated it...

Melissa is really fun to listen to as she reads a story she has heard us read to her before, she remembers certain parts of each page, or if not, she makes something up!

Last Friday when I went to pick up Ken from the airport, Nana & Pop came by to babysit Melissa (as she needed to go down for her nap). It was a picture op when they all were on the floor doing Melissa's puzzles. In this picture Melissa is helping Pop do his puzzle, as I think he was having some troubles!

Last night we got around to building our gingerbread Christmas Train. Melissa was more than excited with this candy craft. I asked her to smile for the camera...

Detailing the caboose...

Our final masterpiece... yum, yum!


Anonymous said...

Wow ... that gingerbread train looks pretty yummy!

Anonymous said...

She accessorizes just like you did as a little girl. Hehe.