
Thomas Three Christmas

We celebrated Christmas morning, just the three of us. We all slept in (quite likely the last year we will get away with this!) and after breakfast I called Melissa over to the living room where the Christmas tree was loaded with the long awaited presents. (I think she truly thought we were just using "you have to wait until Christmas to open your presents" as another ploy to put off giving her the toys she wanted.)

Melissa's reaction to the presents which appeared under the tree on Christmas morning...
Melissa & I, the Christmas tree and presents to be opened! 
(we should have used the timer on the camera so Ken could be in the picture). 

The LONG awaited new Dora game! Ever since we bought this game with her, Melissa would try everything she could think of to talk us into letting her play it before Christmas! I must say she was very creative!

A special present from her friend Kiera. I think Kiera received the same game so maybe one day they can both play it together (we'll have to start practicing!)
A beading set... which has already provided hours of entertainment. She is very into making necklaces & bracelets which she wears with great pride!
A joyous moment, as you can see, was when she opened another Dora / Diego Megablocks set...
We didn't wait very long to start building with it...
All I can say is they didn't make lego sets like this when I was a kid! 

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