
Melissa writes a book

The other night, awhile after tucking Melissa into bed, we could hear her making a bunch of noises in her room. Ken went check on her to discover that she was writing a book. I scanned it in for your reading pleasure... if you can decipher it!


Day 1
This is Lilly. Lilly is bad. Lilly bites. Bad Lilly.

Day 2
This is Isabelle. Isabelle is very naughty. She kicks the garbage can.

Day 3
This is Lucy. She rolls in mud. Lucy does not like that.

Day 4
This is Starburst. Starburst is the biggest star in outer space.

Day 5
This is Lovely. Lovely makes people happier.

Day 6
These are my friends. Peace and Hearts and Circle-ys (not quite sure how to spell that so you can tell it is the word circle with ies on the end - circlies reads wrong)


Just thought all the spelling was so cute! Reminds me how crazy our English language is ;)

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