
Christmas Photos

This year instead of a family Christmas picture card, I inserted photos of the kids into cards. This is Melissa's school photo and Brody had a photo session with the Canadian Baby Photographers who did all the cute (cheesy) staged photos below :)

Let me know which is your favorite of Brody!

Christmas Cookies


Melissa's Christmas School Performances

Boogie Woogie Choo Choo Train

Waddly Atcha... a song I remember from my childhood!

The Gingerbread Man Rap


Jolly Jumper

So this video is from 2 weeks ago (Brody is 17 weeks). It is one of the first times he was in his Jolly Jumper. Nothing too exciting, but I imagine in a month or two the progress of his jumping skills will be substantial!

I have been meaning to blog more, but somehow it is one of the last things on my list... have to pick my priorities :P I'm sure in a few weeks we will have some cute Christmas pictures to share!

Found another video I uploaded a few weeks back when Brody was 16 weeks. This is him smiling and cooing. He has recently taken his cooing to a whole new level, we compare the sound to cats yelling (like when they are in a fight!). I'll have to get it on video too!


Melissa writes a book

The other night, awhile after tucking Melissa into bed, we could hear her making a bunch of noises in her room. Ken went check on her to discover that she was writing a book. I scanned it in for your reading pleasure... if you can decipher it!


Day 1
This is Lilly. Lilly is bad. Lilly bites. Bad Lilly.

Day 2
This is Isabelle. Isabelle is very naughty. She kicks the garbage can.

Day 3
This is Lucy. She rolls in mud. Lucy does not like that.

Day 4
This is Starburst. Starburst is the biggest star in outer space.

Day 5
This is Lovely. Lovely makes people happier.

Day 6
These are my friends. Peace and Hearts and Circle-ys (not quite sure how to spell that so you can tell it is the word circle with ies on the end - circlies reads wrong)


Just thought all the spelling was so cute! Reminds me how crazy our English language is ;)




Brody in his Halloween day outfit...

Side profile!

Sitting with Nana who brought treats and a special festive bib for Brody...
Melissa out knocking on neighbor's doors...
Going through her loot after...
Handing out candy at our door...


Boo Shoot

On Halloween, I took the two kids to Revival Arts Studio to have their photos taken in their costumes. This year we had a Tinkerbell & a Tigger :)

14 weeks


Pumpkin Harvest

Last weekend we harvested the pumpkins that we planted at the beginning of summer at Papa & Nani's.

Melissa was drawn to the largest pumpkin in the patch...

and a cute white one...

and her & Lexi found the smallest pumpkin too!

When planting this year, I had in mind the fact that our little boy would be here when we came for harvesting. So I enjoyed holding Brody while watching the kids. About five more months until another baby comes into the family (my sister Darcie). We have lots to be thankful for this year :)

Washing them and divvying them up...

The kiddos

(Brody 2 months & Melissa 77 months)


Bedtime buddies

Last night, at bedtime, I asked Melissa if she would like to cuddle with Brody while I got myself ready for bed. I came back to check on them after washing my face and brushing my teeth, and they were both sound asleep :)


Show & Tell

Today Melissa's classroom had an Open House. So Brody and I went for a visit. Melissa was very pleased to show off her little brother :)


Big Smiles :D

Finally caught a big smile on camera. He started very intentionally smiling for us 12 days ago (on my birthday!). Amazing how much joy a simple smile can bring!


Brody's 5th & 6th week photos

Here are a bunch of photos from the 5th & 6th week of Brody's life:

Watching the tv show Wipeout with Dad...

Sleeping again with his hands on his face...

Staring at his beautiful sister...

Wearing his V.I.B. Bib - Very Important Baby - I'm a big deal around here!

Making back-to-school muffins with my two helpers!

Brody couldn't stay awake if he tried...

Having a great dream...

First time in a restaurant - fitting that it was Boston Pizza (our family's favorite)

Melissa's First Lost Tooth

It finally happened... the wiggly tooth Melissa has had since the end of August has come out (with a little help from dad!).


Random Summer Pics

Here's a post of random pics I accumulated throughout the summer. This one was taken before I had Brody, and I was too big to bend over and paint our toe nails... so Ken had to pick up the slack :) Melissa was impressed with how good a job Daddy did!
After a backyard haircut...
Doing some yard work for $$$...
Playing at the local playground...
Swimming in Uncle Dennis & Auntie Gayle's backyard pool... hosing her Dad :)


Brody's 3rd & 4th week photos

Zonked out with Dad on the couch after a hard day's work :)
Met Great Grandpa & Great Grandma Stobbe (my grandparents)...
Chatted with his stuffies!
Slept in bed with big sister Melissa...
Sister cuddles...
Visited pool-side with Great Auntie Gayle...
Enjoyed his personal spa treatment...