Last week marked the end of Melissa's two years in preschool. Our little girl is growing up :'( Her preschool put on a great performance for us at the last of their "Party Days".
During the month of June they had been studying Drama, so the kids were all cast as actors & actresses in short fairy tales. Melissa was given the role of Mother Bear in "Goldilocks & the 3 Bears" as you will see in the following videos...
As the story goes, the three bears exited stage left and in came Goldilocks, who proceeded to eat the porridge, sit in their chairs, and fall asleep in their beds. Then the three bears came home...
Well, it was her acting debut, and it does leave plenty room for improvement... but you never know where this could lead! The kids next got dressed out of their costumes and into their graduation hats, and sang a few favorite songs from throughout the year. It is amazing to compare them back to their first Party Day back as 3 year olds. (here is a link) They sure have grown-up!
Before Melissa was called up to officially receive her graduation diploma, Teacher Susan read a small blurb about each child. This is the text read about Melissa:
"Melissa really enjoyed playing in the dress-up and kitchen areas with her friends. Melissa is a very sweet, gentle girl who surprises me every time when I look up and see her being truly loud. Melissa's dream is to own a store and get lots of money. She would like to sell pets. With her tender heart and kind spirit I know Melissa will be a great store owner."
Melissa receiving her diploma from teacher Monika...
Too funny, Kiera's graduation spiel said she wanted to be a pet store owner too!
How fast our girls are growing up!
Melissa is growing up way too fast!! Congratulations Melissa on graduating from preschool - next is Kindergarten!
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