Last weekend Melissa & I joined Ken in Kamloops as he was there for training for his work. Turned out the weather wasn't the typical Kamloops style, it was rather overcast & wet for them. Nevertheless it was fun exploring a new city.
Here we are at the CPRail yard just as a train was coming in...

One afternoon we decided to go to the Albert McGowan Waterpark. But as we arrived there, a cloud opened up and there was a massive downpour. So we took a drive around town (shopped at Urban Barn) and came back 1/2 an hour later and the cloud had passed. Funny how quick the rain comes and goes there. (Nothing like here in the valley.) Melissa had this waterpark all to herself...

For dinner that night we went to Ken's Uncle Bill & Aunt Linda's. Cousin Laura plays the drums, and Melissa got to try them out... which was a hit!

Later that night back at our hotel, Melissa snuggled up with her new unicorn stuffy she got from Laura...

The following evening after another day of exploring Kamloops, we joined Uncle Bill & Aunt Linda at their favorite Greek restaurant 'Mino's' which was excellent! After dinner we took their two dogs to the dog park for a little play-time. Here we are following them, and their dog Misty is very eagerly hanging out the window...

Misty's birth brother was at the park too, he was more into getting petted than running & playing with the other dogs...
All in all it was a fun little get-away. We were pleasantly surprised with Kamloops, and hope to return again one day :)
maybe one day CP will send Ken out to Cranbrook for a visit??
just maybe!!! It's gone through my mind :)
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