Another month done, another 'Party Day' at preschool. Melissa was cute as usual, and I took a few videos of her singing, and narrowed it down to one of each song for this post.

A close-up of her hat... I'm trying not to analyze what this sketch means :)

"I am special" ... this song Melissa has been singing non-stop around the house. Lately we have been working on trying to correct her grammar when she talks, as she always says "I got" this or that, rather than "I have". And well this song drove me nuts!!! I was afraid that she was going to tell the teachers her mom thinks the song should be "I have eyes, I have ears..."
"All Living Things" - The month of February they learned about how everything belongs to a family.
"I want to be to you"

"I am special" ... this song Melissa has been singing non-stop around the house. Lately we have been working on trying to correct her grammar when she talks, as she always says "I got" this or that, rather than "I have". And well this song drove me nuts!!! I was afraid that she was going to tell the teachers her mom thinks the song should be "I have eyes, I have ears..."
"All Living Things" - The month of February they learned about how everything belongs to a family.
"I want to be to you"
Very cute!! I think the pictures she drew of her family on her hat are great ... and she covered you in pink because she loves pink!!
'and she covered you in pink because she loves pink!!'
Or is that Dad and her are standing to the side because Mom is out of control?? I think maybe Melissa is on to something.
HAHA!!! The hat picture is hilarious! At least Melissa and Daddy look happy that Mommy is a big pink blob with arms and no legs. Funny. Have you asked her about it?
Xander used to draw himself with rows of sharp teeth and I'd try not to read anything into it either. All the kids in preschool would have smiley faces and then his would be a freaky open mouth with teeth. Eek.
Oh ... and his teacher was always so nice about it and raved about his creativity. :-)
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