
Aquarium with Cousin Luca

Last week into this week we had some special visitors come from Toronto for a visit... Uncle John (Ken's brother) and cousin Luca. We spent as much time with them as we could, as it has been quite awhile since we last saw them (over two years... see this post for pics from his last visit). 

On Monday we all went to the Vancouver Aquarium. 
Posing for the paparazzi which followed them with cameras everywhere! (Note Luca's little stuffed cow which went everywhere with him, and his prized Spiderman shirt which he wore non-stop!)
Spotting frogs...
Lunch time... 
Always my favorite, the jellyfish...
Cousins playing in the kidzone...
While the kids play, Nana takes the opportunity to take photos of her sons together... what good sports!
John taking a photo... concentrating on a tiny little fish in a shell...
The kids watching Mommy Beluga and her baby swimming together...
The kids got along so well, and had the cutest conversations. This is just a video of them watching the seals swimming around...

Done for the day. A few photos outside...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are sooo cute together! I love the video of their conversation - really sweet!