Yesterday we took Melissa to the Surrey Children's Festival to see her favorite musicians - Bobs & Lolo perform live!
Before the show started we did a craft "create your own wand"...

Melissa got her face painted... for the first time!!! I have been trying at every event we go to and she would outright refuse, so this was a big step.

We made our way to the tent where Bobs & Lolo were to perform. We caught a bit of their warm up and Melissa got a little time with Bobs. She had a hard time enjoying the moment as an extremely loud drum procession was coming within feet of us.

The loud drummers...
The show underway, and Melissa warmed up and got into the actions!
I took much video footage, as Melissa was so cute. She knew much of the words to the songs! Bobs & Lolo even mentioned they noticed this when we talked to them after the show :)
"Shadow Friends"
"Wish for a Fish" (a toddler mosh pit!)
After the show Bobs & Lolo handed out stickers. We bought Melissa a souvenir - a Bobs & Lolo DVD to watch them over and over in the comfort of her home!"Shadow Friends"
"I Love Bugs"
"Wish for a Fish" (a toddler mosh pit!)

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