This weekend we went to
Williams Park to celebrate Melissa's little friend Dominick's 3rd birthday. We enjoyed a smokie bbq right next to the playground, so the kids were kept busy trying out all the equipment!
Here is Dominick... the birthday boy! Ask him how old he is, and he still says "2"! Here he is doing what boys do best! It would be a totally different mindset having a boy.... he was having a great time throwing this pea gravel around, all over himself, filling his shirts and pants!

The king of the slide! No fear what-so-ever!

Melissa wanted to try to. She had no problem climbing the ladder, just when she got to the top, pushing off was a little scary. But once she did it many times she was okay to do it all by herself!

A little teeter-totter fun with a new friend Crystal.

Dominick's cool "
Cars" cake. The black icing was a really messy treat!

Some of the kids looked like they were ready for halloween as they were covered in black icing. I only managed to get a picture of Dominick. He was a little concerned, probably cause the adults were all taking photos and laughing! But the cake was really yummy... so who cares how messy it is!

Being at this park brought back childhood memories, as I had been there on occasion with my family. I remembered this staircase that lead to a whole different area. So after the party the three of us went on a little hike - Melissa's first hike! At the beginning she lead the way... but by the end she was saying, "My legs are sore!"

We stopped by the stream which runs through the park, and Melissa tossed rocks in.

We found a photo opportunity with a cool, old tree.

And Melissa enjoyed a little father/daughter time watching the fish while I took some more pictures (which were later to be used on his father's day card!)

So nice to see our shadow friends out again! Hopefully the summer is here at last :)