Melissa's first look at the ocean as we were waiting in line to board the ferry.

On-board, on the very cold and windy deck!

Taking in the sites...

There were many seagulls flying along side us as we were on the deck... they were near the same speed as us, but a little faster and Melissa found it quite humorous... we had a good look at them as they came really close!

Melissa & Co. This is how she liked to travel! (with Kitty, Dora, & Daisy)

The after-wedding party was held at "Moose Lodge". Melissa wasn't feeling the moose. No way was she going to pet him!

Melissa made great efforts to try and play with the older kids. Most of the time it looked liked pig in the middle, but she was more than excited to be in the mix of it all!

The newly wed couple, Michael & Jasmine, cutting the cake.

Melissa was captivated by the bride Jasmine, who to her was a real live princess!

Posing for a picture with Princess Jasmine!

Coloring with some new friends...

Back on the ferry, Melissa passes time playing in the children's play area, talking on the big old phone (very short conversations I might add).

A nostril shot of the three of us...

make it four of us... Daisy was along for the ride too!

Daddy's little girl :)

It is still a daily question if we can go back on the ferry again!
She had a great time!
Please pray for cousin Michael as we received a phone call yesterday informing us that Jasmine and him were in a serious car accident. They had to use the jaws of life to remove Michael, and he is currently in the hospital in L.A. (where they live) in critical condition.
An Update:
Michael and Jasmine are doing much better. They are both at home now. Sleeping at night is still difficult but Jasmine’s parents have bought them a medical bed (double) to help Michael sleep.
They are on the road to recovery, though it looks like it will be a long journey.
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