Making a very long story short, we were in emerge for hours, Melissa had numerous, less than pleasant, tests done (blood work, chest x-rays, urine tests). We were admitted to Pediatrics and told we had to stay the night for observation. The blood work showed that she was very dehydrated, which I find so puzzling as she had drank her milk the night before... everything seemed more or less normal.
They hooked her up to an IV to help re-hydrate her. In the morning (after a long, uncomfortable, restless, interrupted sleep, which I probably only got 1/2 hour) Melissa was well enough to be sent home.
The diagnosis is that she had caught a bug of sorts. How things can change in a heartbeat. I am so thankful for our health, as hospitals are no fun at all.
Thanks for all your well-wishes, thoughts and prayers, we could feel them and appreciate it :) This afternoon Melissa has been back to her old tricks, playing with her toys and goofing around. Her appetite is still lacking, but hopefully it will continue to pick up.
I'm so glad to hear she is better!
~ jules
What a frightening time! So glad things are looking up!
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