
Hatching a Butterfly

Back in fall Melissa and I were winterizing the garden... I found a caterpillar that was eating my plants, and she wanted it for in her bug container. She ended up leaving it in there for a bit, and next time we looked it was in the process of building itself a chrysalis. So we left it alone for the winter, keeping an eye on it in our garage. Mid April for some reason I thought to have a look at it... and low and behold this is what I saw!

Melissa was soooo excited to find see the butterfly when she came home from school.
We took the it to the backyard to release it.

Waiting for the butterfly to work her way up the side...

Then she suddenly took flight! (the yellow blur above Melissa's head)

Examining the chrysalis...


Dad's Birthday Present Hunt

For something a little fun, this year for Ken's birthday I set up a treasure hunt for him and the kids to find his presents! Here are the clues and pics to show the fun :)
Clue #1

"Dad’s gifts are too big to give inside our home,

So I’ve made a treasure hunt where outdoors you’ll roam...

Head out the front door, and here’s your clue,

Each has one leaf on it, and you can step on it too!"

Which took us to the front yard stepping stones.
Clue #2
"This is a good start, but just you wait...

You’ll need another clue to get through the gate.

So head to where you might find,

A sweet treat in the summertime!"

Which lead us to the strawberry & blueberry patch...
Where Daddy got his first of the presents, a new bike!
Clue #3
"Congrats you found the first one :)

Head to the backyard for some more fun!

This one’s more tricky, so do not haste,

It is hiding near where we put our kitchen waste."

Which brought us to our backyard compost, and present #2... a Wee Ride child carrier.
Clue #4
"Hooray, you’re doing just fine!

You need to keep going, there’s more in line.

Now this one’s trickier, you’ll need to think,

It’s the way in the summer I give the flowers a drink."

Right beside our garden hose was a bike rack, to mount on the back tire of our vehicle.
Clue #5
"Oh so you think you’re smart? Well here’s one more!

Find the outside wall to where I have my computer."

Melissa wasted no time to run down the side of our house, where they found a trail-a-bike! Now we are set for family bike riding trips! Yay!!!
Shortly after we set up the seat on my bike for Brody to try out! He seemed to love it, except for the bright sun.


Easter Egg Hunt at Klassens

Here are some pictures I took at Easter with my family, when the kids did their Easter Egg Hunt!

Cousin Justus (only 1 month old here) getting in on the action :)


Melissa's 2011 - 2012 Class Photo

Only one of Melissa's teachers is present in this picture - Mrs. Gain.
Her other teacher is Mrs. Flynn.


Wagon Ride

So glad we saved our wagon... Melissa and Brody enjoyed a ride together :)