
Playground Play

Here are some more pics from our outdoor fun this past weekend. We went to the local school playground where Brody played on the playground for the first time :)

Watching his sister going down the slide...
Going down the slide for the first time with Daddy! Seemed to really like it!
So he went again and again! (love how his little hand is holding on for dear life to Dad's)
Thought I'd get in on the action too!



The other day I came across an app on my iPhone that is for geocaching. The weather was beautiful this past weekend, so we set out (on two different days) to find some of the ones within walking distance.

Here is Melissa with the first cache we found...
The second cache... she found it all by herself!
Along the way we were learning about nature... here Ken is giving a beaver chewing demonstration!
Brody sleeping through most of it!
Cache number 3... Melissa found it once again! She seemed to be on a roll this day - which made her very pleased!

Swimming Lessons

Spring break was a busy two weeks for Melissa as she was in swimming & ice skating lessons. She hadn't been in swimming lessons in couple of years, but she made huge progress in the 10 days that she went. So proud of her. By the end she was jumping in the deep end and much more!

Melissa & her teacher Laura... there were certainly some perks to being the only girl in the class! Here on their last day, Melissa is being warmed up by her teacher after going down the water-slide :)


Brody 8 Months

Here is a video which captures a few of the sounds our little boy loves to make. He does this throat growl and loves to knock on things. Brody turns 8 months on the 24th.



Melissa brought home this worksheet which I found was cute. I loved her sketch of "A walking stick" and the sentence which she didn't complete, and the teacher kindly finished it with "an egg?". She could simply have just put "up" there! haha


A new cousin

Friday we welcomed a new cousin to the family! My sister had a baby boy they have named Justus Shinen Brown. He was born March 9th at 6 am at home.

This is a picture I took about 2 hours after he was born...
These photos are from when Melissa & Ken visited him for the first time the following day...
Melissa & Justus:

Xander had a new-found interest in babies!


Bathing in the sink

Yesterday Brody tried bathing sitting in the sink for the first time... it sure was a hit :)

32 weeks


Jumping & laughing

Yesterday Brody was jumping in the jolly jumper and Melissa made a "phfft" sound... and Brody laughed. Every time after that when she would make the sound he would laugh again. Already enjoying boy noises!