Oh the pride a parent can feel watching their child accomplish something you know they have worked so hard for. I don't think I can watch this video without becoming emotional... could be the pregnancy hormones, who knows! Last night Melissa's Acro dance class performed at their year end recital. Now forgive me as the video quality isn't the best, it does get clearer after the first few seconds, but honestly videoing was forbidden so to even have this video means a lot to me. A few pointers to locate which one is Melissa through the performance:
- first from right in front row at the beginning
- first leading right side group running in circle
- 2nd from right for stunt pose to roll
- 2nd on right to be carried across stage
- top of right side pyramid
(you may want to click on the video to view in YouTube so that it is full size & centered)
First time trying on the costume for photo day...