

To the loyal readers of this blog... life is about to get more exciting! While I know you enjoy reading about our one child, things are going to be changing. We are expecting an addition to our family in mid August! I am currently 16 weeks along. I don't plan on going public on facebook until after the ultrasound, which is scheduled for March 18th. We are planning on finding out the sex of the baby at this date, so stay tuned for that news :)

Melissa is very excited, and can not wait until the baby arrives! She gives the baby (my belly) kisses & hugs often! She will be a great big sister and a huge helper :)


Happy Valentine's

This weekend Melissa & I had some fun making Valentine's cookies for her friends. I saw a this idea online and decided it would be neat to make...
Each candy piece was strategically placed...

A sampling of her masterpieces...
All packaged up and ready to go to...
Wishing you a special day with those you love :)