
Thomas' Christmas 09

Boxing Day we celebrated Christmas with Ken's family. Melissa instantly fell in love with her new sock monkey from Aunt Gayle & Uncle Dennis.
Melissa was excited for Nana & Pop to open their presents from us...

Clipping the hair on her new Rapunzel Barbie doll...

There were many more presents... I just wasn't quite on the ball with taking pics!

Klassen's Christmas 09

Christmas afternoon we celebrated Christmas with my Klassen family. Xander came with his new DSI which certainly intrigued Melissa...
Melissa posing with her new instrument which she fondly refered to as her "guitar"...
Lexi & Melissa playing in Lexi's new clubhouse...
Melissa's latest addition to her "Littlest Petshop" pets...

Christmas at our place 09

Christmas was a very fun time again for us this year. So much anticipation and celebrations to enjoy! The first big present opening we had was just the three of us on Christmas morning before heading to my family's (Klassens) in the afternoon.

Before going to bed on Christmas Eve our tree didn't have very many presents under it, just a few for others. When Melissa got up in the morning it was surrounded by new presents...
Melissa & her stocking...
Housecoat Melissa has been asking for...
New scarf & touque and Perler beads & boards...
Crash and his Christmas present... a motorized mouse with a ball. He wasn't too sure if this was supposed to be fun or not!


Merry Christmas!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with your friends & family. I know we did! As soon as things get back to some sort of normal here I'll post some pics.

We had our family photos done in November and they are posted on the Revival Arts Studio blog here.


Preschool Christmas Play

This morning was Melissa's preschool Christmas play. Melissa's debut performance! I was a little nervous that she wouldn't perform, as lately she has become emotional when I am present at any of her classes. But to my surprise she pulled through and even delivered her lines as you'll see!

Our angel's entrance!
Found us in the audience... mind you I wasn't hard to spot standing a few rows back double fisting cameras!
The performance begins, actions and all...
Away in a manger....

Melissa's line "We got great news so don't be afraid"

Finishing with "We wish you a Merry Christmas"...

Almost the whole cast, didn't manage to get the three wisemen in this photo...