Back in May, we planted a simple garden at my parent's house (
see post). The time had come to harvest it to make way for a new crop of cedar shrubs.
Here is the fully grown corn patch...

and our happy pumpkin patch...

Papa pulled out the relic little red wagon from my childhood, and Melissa was happy to get a ride in it!

Loading in some pumpkins...

Digging up the potatoes... Melissa was impressed to see so many had come from one seed potato!

We kept finding crazy shaped potatoes, the kind that never make it to the supermarket... and this potato Melissa said looked like a rubber ducky :)

Picking an appropriate sized pumpkin...

The parade of pumpkins...

Lastly Melissa joined Papa on the tractor (a brave first!) to chop down the plants before tilling them under...

This was such a great learning experience... and what is more fun than eating your own grown veggies! Hopefully there will be an opportunity like this again next year!