
Like the Beach

Yesterday morning we enjoyed spending time with Auntie Jules, playing in Aldergrove Lake's sandy shores.

Melissa did some beach exploration with her new sand toys...

And I joined her in the water for a mini splash fight...
(somehow she got a lot more wet than I!)

After playing enough to work up an appetite,
Melissa sat with Auntie Jules for a little snack & chat time...


1st Happy Meal

This weekend Melissa was treated to her first 'Happy Meal'

Reaching into the bag of happiness...

which contained, apple slices & carmel dip,
a cheese sandwich and apple juice.

I don't think she was expecting her sandwich to be circular,

but decided to try it anyways...

and it was good!

After lunch was done... it didn't take long for the Mc-Happiness to kick in (I swear there is something in the food)

Her little Happy Meal toy kitty!


Going Fishing

Yesterday Melissa and Kiera tried their luck fishing at Sardis Park.

Just hangin' by their new-found fishing hole.

Time to cast out their willow branches and see what they could catch.

The hardest part is the waiting....

and waiting...

Dokters from Holland

We had the honour of having some special visitors come from Holland this summer, the Dokters. We used to be neighbours when I was about 6 and under. Marilyn would have us over to play and she would perform amazing puppet shows for us with her puppet stage. We hadn't seen them since, and they now have two wonderful children.
We all went for a farewell dinner at Red Robins on Thursday.

Marilyn Dokter (right) & Melody Dokter (middle) & Elisabeth - (Melody's friend - left)


Plum Picker

We have this tree in our backyard that is loaded with fruit... small red plums. Melissa wasn't content to stay on the ground and help me pick the plums today, she wanted a part of the action and climbed up the ladder with me. She certainly doesn't have any fear of height!

One branch of many very weighed down branches.

Sitting way up high on the ladder...

and hanging on (like Mommy said!)

Picking the close plums.

Evening out the buckets (more like dumping them out!)

This is only about 1/3 of the plums we have picked so far, and there is an abundance of plums left in the tree.

My very strong, big helper!

PS... anyone want some plums? Let me know!!!


Sandbox Fun

Today while I was cleaning the backyard Melissa got down and dirty in the sandbox. I joined in the fun and took some photos...

Here we are building a sand Dora house...

and a house for Boots, and Dora's Grandma and so on...

and then we knocked them down!

Ahh... good times :)


Let's Play Puzzles

The last two days I have been thankful for saving this low-energy entertainment - a large wooden puzzle - that I had tucked away in the closet. The household is battling through an unwelcome August cold which has definitely slowed me down, but not Melissa's need for activities!


Pop's Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Pop's birthday. We went out for dinner and then went to Mill Lake Park. Melissa sure enjoyed all the special attention!

Melissa proudly showing Pop all the love she put into creating
his birthday card with foam Dora stickers.

1, 2, 3, weeeee!

Looking at the ducks in the lake with Pop.

Rocking the fire-engine with Daddy,

and tandem sliding with Mommy!

Laughing it up on the swing :)

Surprise Birthday Party

This Friday marked a quarter century for Uncle Dan (my brother). His wife (Aunt Niki) sneakily planned & pulled off a surprise birthday party bbq for his family to help him celebrate.

Nani & Papa with cousin Lexi & Melissa

The birthday boy - Uncle Dan

The cousins eating together at the children's table



Xander, Lexi & Melissa


Family trip to the Agrifair

This year Melissa was at a great age to enjoy our family trip
to the local Agrifair.

She had a great time observing (or being observed by) all the animals...

and joined right in with all their funny sounds...

and was brave enough to feed some of them.

She also took a ride on a relic of a tractor which has its own security feature - a removed steering wheel.

Melissa measured up with a monstrous tractor...
she fit just nice in the smaller of its wheel wells.

Next we found a craft station and spent a little time decorating a crown...

which we were very proud of!

We then braved getting tattoos to remember the event
(well for a few days at least).

Melissa modeled her beautiful crown for a captive audience
- one cow in a cage...

and a curious chick in a glass room, whom I'm sure had never seen anything like it before ;)

It certainly was a highlight letting the super cute fluffy chicks
nip at our fingers!

Once again we were lucky enough to watch the duck & pig races...

a group of ducks going down a slide into a pool just isn't something
you get to see everyday!