Tonight was Melissa's first birthday celebration (her actual birthday is the 16th). She has been practicing singing "Happy Birthday to Missa" for about a month now. She was pretty impressed when she woke up from her nap to see balloons and streamers in the dining room! Then Pop & Nana arrived bearing gifts. Melissa & Nana couldn't wait long to open them!
She received a bottle set for her doll,

a stroller, (which may need bumper pads or airbags installed!)

and a Dora backpack (loaded with goodies).

Feeling pretty special with a backpack just like Dora!

She was pretty excited about her purple Dora birthday cake,

She knew exactly how to blow out the candles,

then a little victory celebration!

I think this means she likes it!

Melissa couldn't soak up enough of the love of her Nana & Pop
(& vis versa)!